National Animal
Welfare Association
With new developments in animal care and the sharing of such information, as well as responding to the animal extremists, NAWA focus's on the sharing and promoting of these exciting new developments in today's animals care, uniting its members as well as a vigorous response against false and uneducated extremist claims.
Members have a vast amount of support including strong collaborated alliances with several leading pro-animal-industry associations, both professional, private, and legal.
As a member these are just some of the benefits included:

Individuals: $65/year, includes personalized verified member plaque, membership card, and access to all benefits and programs including accreditations.
Company/Facility: $85/year, includes personalized verified member plaque for your facility/company, and up to 3 individual extra members may be listed which will also receive their verified member card, and all access to all benefits and programs including accreditations.

Several new accreditation programs that are offered ranging from zoological facilities, kennels, ranching, equestrian, commercial pet facilities, private facilities, and many others.

Access to the member only data site. This site is exclusive for current members and included access to training, enrichment designs, and cool ideas, special announcements, vendor discounts, business/animal related forms, case law research documents and publications, nutrition, secure bulletin board just for members, special urgent alerts and news, and much more.

Featured articles, member spotlights, vendor/equipment updates, laws and legislation monitoring and updates, industry job openings, news alerts, and much more.

NAWA is here to support our members in offensive or defensive positions and matters. Whether it is responding to the misguided propaganda from the animal extremists, or in support of programs or projects that you are helping with, NAWA is here to help it's members. Our network is large and active, and when the call goes out for the support, we respond. Whether it’s email campaigns, Facebook, Twitter, or other social media platforms, as a member this is just another strong benefit you have in your corner.